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Rośliny ornamentalne

Rośliny ornamentalne


Dostępne w ofercie:
  • Aksamitka (8 testów)
  • Asparagus (6 testów)
  • Aster (9 testów)
  • Aster (9 testów)
  • Begonia  (7 testów)
  • Chryzantema (13 testów)
  • Dalia (7 testów)
  • Gladiola (10 testów)
  • Goździk (9 testów)
  • Hosta (8 testów)
  • Irys  (7 testów)
  • Kalanchoe (5 testów)
  • Lilia (7 testów)
  • Niecierpek  (8 testów)
  • Ornamentalne (rośliny zielne roczne & wieloletnie) (16 testów)
  • Pelargonia Screen (9 testów)
  • Petunia (17 testów)
  • Poinsecja (6 testów)

Dodatkowe opcje przeglądania
Zakres cen od do
Tylko nowości
Tylko promocje
Kalanchoe - panel (5 testów)

Kalanchoe - panel (5 testów)

Ceny widoczne po zalogowaniu
    Kalanchoe - panel (5 testów)
    Novazym Polska & AGDIA testing service

    Usługa testowania roślin na 5 patogenów atakujących kalanchoe to kompletna informacja o stanie zdrowia badanych roślin. Pozwala wykryć zagrożenie i uniknąć strat wynikających z rozprzestrzenienia się choroby w hodowli.
    dodaj do porównaniadodaj do schowka
    Lilia - panel (7 testów)

    Lilia - panel (7 testów)

    Ceny widoczne po zalogowaniu

      Lilia - panel (7 testów)
      Novazym Polska & AGDIA testing service

      Lily symptomless virus actually can cause distinctive symptoms, including curl-stripe, in which leaves are severely twisted with yellow or pale green striping. The virus is aphid-transmitted.

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      Mięta - panel (9 testów)

      Mięta - panel (9 testów)

      Ceny widoczne po zalogowaniu
        Mięta - panel (9 testów)?
        Novazym Polska & AGDIA testing service

        The testing panel for 9 pathogens that attacks mint plants it's a complete information about the health condition of the tested plants. To detect and avoid the risk of losses resulting from the spread of the disease in the culture.
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        Niecierpek - panel (8 testów)

        Niecierpek - panel (8 testów)

        Ceny widoczne po zalogowaniu

          Niecierpek - panel (8 testów)
          Novazym Polska & AGDIA testing service

          Impatiens necrotic spot virus, spread by thrips, accounts for most of the virus infections we detect in impatiens. Symptoms vary greatly. Common symptoms in garden impatiens include dirty-looking, dark-colored rings, black stem sections, distorted leaves, and leaves that drop off. In New Guinea impatiens, symptoms can include brown mottled patterns, distorted leaves, dead stem sections, stunting and an unthrifty appearance. Tomato spotted wilt virus, which is closely related and also spread by thrips, causes a similar array of symptoms.
          dodaj do porównaniadodaj do schowka
          Ornamentalne (rośliny zielne roczne & wieloletnie) - panel (16 testów)

          Ornamentalne (rośliny zielne roczne & wieloletnie) - panel (16 testów)

          Ceny widoczne po zalogowaniu
            Ornamentalne (rośliny zielne roczne & wieloletnie) - panel (16 testów)
            Novazym Polska & AGDIA testing service

            Our ornamental screen is a starting point for identifying pathogens in ornamental plants for which we have not yet assembled a regular screen. For some plants, we recommend different sets of tests instead of this general screen. Please contact us if you would like us to suggest tests to include in a screen for your ornamental crop. We will be happy to make recommendations.

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            Pelargonia - panel (9 testów)

            Pelargonia - panel (9 testów)

            Ceny widoczne po zalogowaniu
              Geranium (Pelargonium) - panel (9 testów)
              Novazym Polska & AGDIA testing service

              The most economically destructive disease of geraniums is bacterial blight, caused by Xanthomonas hortorum pv.pelargonii (Xhp). Symptoms can include small water-soaked or brown spots on the undersides of leaves, yellowed wedge-shaped areas on leaves, and black, collapsed stems. Xhp most often occurs in plants grown from infected cuttings, but can be spread to healthy plants by water splashing of contaminated soil, insects, dirty hands, or contaminated tools. Hanging baskets of ivy geraniums infected with Xhp can transmit the bacteria by water splash to other geraniums grown under or near them.
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              Petunia - panel (17 testów)

              Petunia - panel (17 testów)

              Ceny widoczne po zalogowaniu

                Petunia - panel (17 testów)
                Novazym Polska & AGDIA testing service

                Petunias are vulnerable to a large number of viruses. The single virus we detect most often in petunias, tobacco mosaic virus, can cause crinkled leaves, yellow and green mosaic, and stunting. The virus can remain infectious for a long time in soil and on tools and other surfaces. People can transmit Tobacco mosaic virus and Tomato mosaic virus readily by working with plants. Both unburned and burned tobacco products can be a source of infection.

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                Poinsecja - panel (6 testów)

                Poinsecja - panel (6 testów)

                Ceny widoczne po zalogowaniu

                  Poinsecja (Gwiazda betlejemska) - panel 6 (testów)
                  Novazym Polska & AGDIA testing service

                  Poinsettia mosaic virus is widespread, with some poinsettia varieties nearly 100% infected. But the virus apparently does the plants no harm under good growing conditions. Under poor conditions, such as too-cool temperatures or insufficient light, the virus can cause mottled patterns on leaves or distortion of the bracts. Poinsettia mosaic virus is not responsible for many of the apparent virus symptoms seen in poinsettias. Even when a plant tests positive for the virus, the symptoms may be due to a nutritional problem or other cause.

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                  Płomyk - panel (18 testów)

                  Płomyk - panel (18 testów)

                  Ceny widoczne po zalogowaniu
                    Płomyk - panel (18 testów)
                    Novazym Polska & AGDIA testing service

                    Usługa testowania roślin na 18 patogenów atakujących Płomyk to kompletna informacja o stanie zdrowia badanych roślin. Pozwala wykryć zagrożenie i uniknąć strat wynikających z rozprzestrzenienia się choroby w hodowli.
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                    • NOVAZYM POLSKA s.c.
                      Wielkopolska Centre of
                      Advanced Technologies
                      ul. Umultowska 89 C build. A/38
                      61-614 Poznań,
                      Tel + 48 61 610 39 10
                      Fax + 48 61 610 39 11
                      email: info@novazym.pl

                      NIP: 9721099648
                    • E-mail:info@novazym.pl
                    • Telefon+48 61 610 39 10
                      +48 607 312 486
                    • Fax+48 61 610 39 11
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